Looking for a highly trained and recommended technician in the Pontefract and Leeds area ? With Over 20 years experience in SPMU and over 6 years in Microblading. Trained with Phi, Finisheing Touches, Dermace, Maryann Hoang, Tina Davis, Anna Dixon, Rebecca Chung, NPM and many more ! With such extensive experience we believe we are qualified in all fields of semi=permanent make-up. We love brows !! Give us a call and we will gladly book you and appointment to come along and have a chat about your brows. We aim to give you beautiful shaded, ombre, dots or hairstroke brows with minimal fuss !
Treatment includes your test patch, your initial treatment and your colour refresh treatment within 6 weeks of the initial treatment.
Microblading - After numbing and drawing the brows on the skin we use a manual tool to implant the pigment into the brows, to enhance and intensify, add shape, colour, super fine, real looking hairstrstrokes and generally make your brows beautiful !