Client is made comfortable on a bed and a special anti-freeze pad is applied to the skin. A portion of the skin is pulled into a cup device by suction, then treated to alternating cold and warm temperatures. When the timed session is over, the area is massaged to bring the skin back to temperature. More than 1 area can be treated at any given time.
After much research it was found that cryolypolisis works like frostbite, it freezes fat, leaving the overlying skin intact. Some of the fat cells in the cooled area are destroyed and ultimately disposed of by the liver. A session takes less than an hour and there is no down time after.
Some clients may experience redness, mild pain or bruising for a few days afterward. Clients should drink at least 2 litres of water and massage the area regularly for 7 days after this treatment. This helps to flush the liver.